tisdag 24 maj 2011

Terra Nova

It is finished I guess haha. I lost hope on the background and the surroundings but I was pretty happy with the dryad. Also, weird boob is weird. Anyways, it was a pretty fun piece to work on (except for the background that is) and I learned something from it, which is the most important thing.
Don't have much more to say about this except for.. Enjoy!


torsdag 19 maj 2011

I admit.

Okay! I admit! I've been really really really bad. *Slaps self*
Im gonna be more active, I promise but my head has been this huge mess lately made of school, drawing, tattooing, friends, drama-friends and so on. Help me anyone? I'd trade my life for one day if I can just get a vacation. :c
Atleast I got Daniel, he saves the day with his wonderful morning latté he makes me and those sooo amazing sammiches, NOM.

Anyway, as I said i've been tattooing, I was gonna show pictures but unfortunatly I forgot my camera in my friends bag when we were out dancing the other night. (Friday, a week ago but whatever. My head reminds me of mashed potatoes with some ketchup. God I need help. :D )

So what's new?
I can gladly tell that I got 4 tattoo appointments next week, classmates that wants a purple dot. Kinda cute really.
I colored my own tattoo out of boredom.
I got accepted to a new school and will be starting in august. (I'm frikkin' happy about this thing, I'm starting college!)
I'm madly inlove, still after being together with Daniel for 9 months all together. Lived together for 4 months.
I'm alot happier! Sun makes me smile, I love walking around in shorts!
I got addicted to a golfing game.

I could go on forever but wth.

Before I poof out, going to bed and cuddle that beautiful chocolate cake of mine i'll give you a picture of Sheldon, who's eating his foot for some reason (while cleaning himself)


I know you love it. <3


onsdag 18 maj 2011

Don't fear the Creeper

I just thought I'd share this one because it just felt spot on. If you're not a Minecraft nerd then you probably wont get it... so start playing Minecraft bitches!

onsdag 11 maj 2011



These are quick concept sketches for a personal project of mine that, once again, Conny inspired/told me i should do after I saw his project: Adam's Dream(click and check it out btw). I barely got anything figured out for this except that it's going to be fantasy/steam punk-ish. The main character will probably be this girl named Zoe with two robot arms that works for some kind of organisation that gathers information from all over the world to fill their library. They are basically hungry for knowledge but they don't plan on using it against anyone. It's just that the information they got in their huge ass building will be tempting for others so they need to stay protected and gain allies that helps them. Well that's the basic idea. I have no idea how it will turn out later but that's the fun part, you get to explore, experiment and learn c:
All in all it's just something to keep me drawing and inspired.

Oh and that hairy lizard thing is kinda like a camel/dromedary mixed with a gecko and iguana. It's supposed to be an animal that you ride through deserts and such.

....and if you got any suggestions for a name for this project, please leave your suggestions in a comment here or on my Deviantart if you'd rather do so c:


tisdag 10 maj 2011

Våfflor & Hallongrottor




Baked some lovely raspberry cookie thingies this weekend using this recipe (it's in Swedish). Well Hannah did most of the work but I helped! ...Really!
And for dinner we we whipped up a waffle batter, took it all in to the living room with the waffle iron and made them there while watching TV. Best waffle dinner I've ever had <3


But sadly, Hannah's got a major head ache right now so I'm going to make her call herself in sick and rest for a few more hours. Maybe force her to take a painkiller for the head as well. Kill da pain oh great Ipren-mannen.


måndag 9 maj 2011



It hasn't been a cloud in the sky for three days straight now and I've felt nothing but happy through out these whole days. I don't know if it's the weather or if it's just me. Either way I'm not complaining. I got this strange feeling of that something great is going to happen but I'm afraid to get my hopes up too high so I'll keep it down for now.

Hannah did some tattooing yesterday and, hopefully, she'll get to continue on that tattoo today since the customer was in a bit of a hurry to something else last time. I'll take photos if I remember to so you can see her awesome skills despite the fact that she's a beginner. She'll become an amazing tattoo artist one day, that's for sure.

torsdag 5 maj 2011

Good old May snow.... wait what?


I'm not usually the one to complain about weather but I was caught pretty off guard when it started snowing heavily last morning. I don't think I've ever experienced snow in May over here in Sweden before. Oh well, it melted pretty damn quick so it's all good and sunshine now :D

We got our broadband yesterday, as I mentioned in the previous post. You have no idea how crippled you are until you lose internet for a couple of days. It's more horrible than a fork to your eye... okay, maybe not, but it's pretty far up there on the list.
But now I'm going to be lazy for an hour or so, make lunch, get my ass down in to town to leave some important papers and do some grown up things like that before I head off to the library(Norrköping Stadsbibliotek) to find books to draw from...and then, of course, force Hannah to do some bloging herself >:U She even have the camera in her purse at school so she should do something. Fyyyyyyyyyy.


onsdag 4 maj 2011

On the move

Oh what the hell, I'll just post a couple of the picture of our move. Didn't take any of us actually moving stuff because we were in too much of a pain to think of the camera. Seriously, it still hurt a couple of days later!

Anyway, here's mine and Hannah's room before we started fixing it up. I hope we'll be able to clean it up during the weekend at least... but it's so blue <3

Our moving help got a bit tired after the heavy lifting, a nail to his hand and a whole pizza.

Hannah got the idea of taping up a bunch of A3 papers on to the doors of our closets and draw on them. So we did! Fun shit :D

And lastly(for now), the lovely breakfast with American pancakes and fruits that Hannah threw together next morning despite the pain she was in. Such a good woman isn't she? Love you dear <3
But it was worth it just to have something like that for breakfast on our first morning in our new apartment.

Ok that was all the photos for now, I'm going back to waiting for the guys from bredbandsbolaget so they can get our internet up and then I'll probably go off in to town and find something to do in there. You know. Snatching purses from old ladies and whatever teenagers do these days. Cheers!


tisdag 3 maj 2011


Daniel here this time again. We haven't been too active here since, as you may know from earlier posts, we just moved. So we haven't really had any real access to internet except for a mobile broadband. And that's not the greatest connection. It may also cost a lot more so I try not to use it too much since I'm not paying for the bills. But I was told that some guys would come by today and fix a proper broadband so I'll keep my fingers crossed.

I really wanted to post some photos of the move but I'll wait until we get our broadband.. meanwhile, have some good ol' Gorillaz music <3
