If you're doubting that this girl doesn't have enough clothes then think again. But I still love her <3
This is how it looked like while we were packing up the last of our clothes for the move tomorrow. You don't know how much stuff you got laying around until you start packing the stuff down haha. Ah well, the clothes are now packed down in big black plastic bags and the room is nearly empty. And tomorrow, we'll finally move in to the city.We got high hopes for this move since we're hoping to get a job for me then and it will be a walking distance for Hannah to her school instead of a one hour bus trip.... aaaaaaaaah EXCITE!Daniel
... Just sayin'.

I'm honestly really tired, school is sure tiering.
I'm currently working on two peices of art that makes my finger itch each time I think of them.I WANT TO FINISH! Both are of my furry, my fursona named Sweet Sundaé, a fox pinup girl, truly she's a cute one.In other things, me and my dear one are moving on saturday to a new appartment, it's closing up and what seemed like forever is just a few days away now, i'm getting a bit nervous that I wont be able to finish packing in time! God! I know we will though, taking one step and part at a time, I also really hope I will get up my Comission list on Furaffinity soon, I wont have many slots as it is now because of school but as soon as it's over i'll make sure to open atleast 4 or 5 slots. Now, back to class, I got computer class right now and it's quite boring indeed.Lunch after, fish. Makes me sad.I'll blog with some pictures later. Taataa.
Daniel here again. Because Hannah is, as I mentioned, a lazy bum(she's actually at school but it's funnier to call her stuff when she's actually being productive).Anyway! We are now back from our trip and I'm back to spending my time in the apartment all day, working on getting my commissions started soon and then whip up a decent enough portfolio. I plan on sending it off to.. well hopefully a bunch of places but mainly White Wolf. I know I wont get a job if I send it to Wizards of the Coast but they say you should always try even if you don't think you'll get it. So I will do just so! In other news, we are moving in to town in just a couple of days. At last <3DanielPS. I would have uploaded a photo from our trip but I seem to have misplaced the cable for the camera somewhere.

Us going to visit Hannah's mothers friends new restaurant
This time it's Daniel blogging. The girl (lazy bum) is still asleep so I thought I'd just post a random post. Since I'm currently unemployed and working on my portfolio and my girlfriend is on a one week break from school due to Easter, we decided to go visit our mothers quick over the weekend. We've spent two nights at my mothers place now and tonight we'll be going over to her mother and then go with her to a little family reunion before returning home in time for school. That's pretty much how the rest of this week look like in a nutshell.When I get home I'm going straight back to drawing like hell seeing as I need to get a portfolio together and I haven't even finished the first piece. And before I can finish the portfolio I'll need to finish a price list for art commissions that I'll be opening up on my DeviantART and Furaffinity in an attempt to get in some extra cash until I get a job. So I got a lot to do and no excuse to be lazy.Oh well, I've run out of things to write now so I'll get back to drawing, trying to wake the sleeping beauty and then go fetch my passport seeing as my other ID is expired.Cheers and have a nice day
A new start is it right, A blog to tell about me and my boyfriend.
Our small steps in life as we aim for our own home and to be able to work with art in different forms.
My name is Hannah, I'm 18 years old and study to be an Actress, my mind is free at most points always saying what I think is right or wrong.
I've been drawing since I was a kid, but started more serious when I was 11 I think.
My Goals is to be an tattoo artist and I already got 4 tattoos on my own.
I have done 4 tattoo's on people in my life and aim on making more, alot more.
About me and Daniel,
we met about a year ago over a website, Swedish one when my ex girlfriend told me about this drawing program called Sai. After talking to him for a bit I decided I wanted to meet him as I went to my mother who lives in the same town. After a few please and what not he agreed to meet.
It was amazing. Being silly walking around in town, eating icecream, taking pictures of birds and alot of drawing.
It took about 2 month's until I confessed that I was inlove, almost one year, thinking about it makes my heart skip a beat.
Anyway, We now moved together and live with my father in a small town outside Norrköping, we are moving in there in 2 weeks to a beautiful apartment, can hardly wait!
So stay with us, watch and maybe learn to know us as we make our way to our own paradise.